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How to Care for the Most Important Person in the World: YOU

It can be challenging at times to make self-care a priority in your life. Everyone has their own hectic schedule to worry about and we often forget to take care of that driving force that helps us do all those crazy things: ourselves.

I can full heartedly say that I am guilty of that. I always worry and stress about what to do next in my life when I often forget to take a second to JUST BREATHE!!! In fact, I'm typing this now to spend sometime with myself, and to take just a few minutes to forget all that I have to get done by the end of the week.

After some brief research, I have discovered SIX different kinds of self-care we should take in order to lead a healthy, balanced life (Personally, I was blown away to learn that there are SIX different aspects of ONE person to care for!!!). Last week, I took a little bit of time out of my day just to complete one simple activity for myself.

Mental Self-Care: Simply caring for your mind and your mental state. I achieved this by reading poetry, something that I'm not used to reading.

I purchased this book at the beginning of June because I heard so many great things about it. I'm not one to sit down and read a book of poems, but the works of Rupi Kaur definitely caught my attention and kept me reading. Milk and Honey progresses through 4 different stages: Hurting, Loving, Breaking, and Healing (aimed at phases in a relationship with a lover). Not only were Kaur's words enticing and her pictures mesmerizing, but I can honestly say that I could relate to each of these sections. In other words, the book really spoke to me and I was so glad I purchased it!

Find it here:

Emotional Self-Care: Tending to your feelings. I'll admit, sometimes I feel so incredibly down and upset for no reason, yet when someone asks that infamous question, "Are you ok?", I do my best to cover it up, smile, and nod. I conquered these feelings through the help of a furry little friend.

Meet Lizzy. She's what Ryan and I call, our step-cat. She was gifted to us by my lovely landlord and her daughter. So how did she help me? Last week, I was so fed up with everyone and everything imaginable (you know how it is). I was just having one of those days where nothing was going my way and, instead of moving on, I crawled onto the couch and wrapped myself in a blanket, determined to ignore the world for the rest of the day. Just then, Lizzy trotted in the room right over to me,

begging for attention (diva...). The motivation to get my lazy ass off the couch, a cat toy, and five minutes later, I was ready to come to terms with my feelings. Playing with a pet is the best. To me, it's so soothing and all you're worried about in that moment is whether or not that animal is going to catch the toy on the end of the string. Something simple yet effective, I was able to relax my mind for a bit and was then ready to go back to reality. So, thank you Lizzy, for calming me down and being my fuzzy little companion.

Practical Self-Care: Tending to the aspects of life that support you, like your finances or keeping up with your household chores. I achieved this by doing something hardly anyone likes to do...I balanced my checkbook.

"But Emma! Everything is online now and I can just look at my balance and I don't need to keep track and blah blah blah blah!" I know....and that's what I've been telling myself too. But trust me, if you love those little moments of, "wow! I think I actually have my shit together for once!" then I highly recommend sitting down with a pen, calculator, checkbook, and your numerous receipts. It allows you to clean up one small part of your life and you feel ACCOMPLISHED. Plus, it gives you time to reflect on your purchases (did you really need to buy that $50 bra at Victoria's Secret...???).

Spiritual Self-Care: Looking after your spirit or beliefs. When I say spiritual, I don't mean that you have to go running to your nearest church or start reading the Bible from front to back (but if you want to do that, go for it!). For me, I spent some time with nature.

I love going on walks no matter where I'm at. But usually, I need music to concentrate on conquering those steep hills or the summer heat. As I set out for one of my walks one morning, I left my phone at home. It was one of the smartest decisions I made that day. I was able to focus on my surroundings and the nature around me. I guess you could say I took the time to stop and smell the roses (not literally though...I'm allergic to flowers...).I was able to relax, think, and enjoy the outdoors without the aid of technology.

Physical Self-Care: Tending to your body. This can be going to a doctor or specialist or implying making sure you're eating right or getting enough sleep.

Last summer, my mom and I got into yoga. We took a class together on Tuesdays and Thursdays and it helped a lot! I was student teaching at the time, so it was an excellent way to get my mind off of things. When I moved out, I still kept up with yoga and do it just about every day! Everyday after I wake up, I do Sun Salutations. It's a great way to get yourself moving and, the best part, it's easy! The routine I use can be found here:

Social Self-Care: Taking care of your relationship with others (family, friends, significant others, etc.).

From calling my family to taking a coffee break with Ryan, tending to this helped a lot. I'm an introvert beyond all belief. But sometimes, believe it or not, I do seek the help of others and adore spending time with my friends and family. Just talking on the phone, getting a quick cup of coffee, or going on a walk with someone gives you that short break from being with yourself all day to say what's on your mind and listen to what's going on in the lives of others.

I hope reading this helped and you can now go out and do something for yourself without worrying about what's to come tomorrow or in an hour. Have a fantastic day you wonderful people!

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